Hodges, Rusk, Sprigg,
Robinson, Lewis, Brooke,
Rullman, McWilliams, Brown,
Hawkins, Hoblitzell, Rineliart,
Lambdin, McGlone, Lamotte,
Briscoe, Coburn, Waters, of Car'l,
Ward, Stewart, Clark,
Snowden, McAleese, Dashiell,
Gwynn, Gill, Gordy,
Cockey, Loane, Browning,
Neal, Harig, Barnard—50.
Purnell, Albaugh,
So the motion to lay the order on the table was decided in
the negative.
The question then recurring upon the adoption of the
It was adopted.
Mr. Whitelock submitted the following order :
WHEREAS, The report of the Comptroller for the fiscal
year 1875 states that "no payment has been made during the
fiscal year by the Weigher of Live Stock, and the State's
Attorney of Baltimore city has been instructed to bring suit
for the revenues from this source."
And whereas, although in the message of the Governor to
the General Assembly it is stated that the said Weigher of
Live Stock "has accounted with the Comptroller for the reve-
nue due the State up to the end of the last quarter," no-
statement of the settlement thus made has been reported to
this General Assembly,
Ordered, That the Comptroller be and he is hereby directed
to furnish this House with a detailed account of the said set-
tlement, stating also whether any improvements have been
made at the State Live Stock Scales for the fiscal year 1875,
and if so, the amount expended and tinder authority of what
law the same has been done.
Which was read,
And, on motion of Mr. Whitelock, vras referred to the
Committee on Inspections.
Mr. Ward submitted the following order :
Ordered, That the Committee on Elections be, and they
hereby are, required to examine into and report upon all
charges heretofore made against the Board of Police Commis-