works an injury to the State, it is a potent instrument where-
by wicked persons are enabled by law to scheme for their
own selfish interest. It will pass plain and just General
It will remedy the defects in the Corporation Act, as di-
rected by Article 3, Section 48, of the Constitution.
It will authorize the Treasurer of the State, with the ap-
proval of the Governor, to deposit the State's money in the
bank or banks, that will gave good security and pay the inost
for the use of it, as empowered to do by Article 6, Section 3,
of the Constitution.
It will exert all the power given by Article 12, of the Con-
stitution in regard to the Board of Public Works.
It re-affirms the sound doctrine that all officers of the State
are the Trustees of the people, and as such, strictly account-
able for their conduct.
Which was read.
The question recurring upon the adoption of the order,
Mr. Smith, of Dorchester, moved to lay the order on the
The question recurring upon the concurring in the motion.
Mr« Smith, of Dorchester, demanded the yeas and nays.
The demand being sustained,
The yeas and nays were called and appeared as follows:
Turner, Fitzjarrell, Naill,
Bird, Dodson, Koons,
Lancaster, Lankford, Chaisty,
Hooper, Gunby, Scott,
Baldwin, Ford, Farrow,
Whitelock, Smith, of Dor., Ranger,
Curtis, Waters, of Dor., Jones,
Smith, of B. co., Riggs, Griffith,
Given, Hinls, Donaldson—27.
Smith, Speaker, Onley, Sanders,
Dunbar, Rutledge, Fenton,
Mattingly, Boyle, Canby,
Boyer, Vandiver, Rawlings,
Usilton, Cnlbreth, Atkinson,