Queen Anne's County—Charles E. Cockey, Willard H.
Worcester County—John R. Purnell, Henry T. Onley.
Frederick County—Christopher M. Riggs, Wm. H. Hinks,
Henry Clay Naill, Robert E. Linthicum, John A. Koons.
Harford County—P. H. Rutledge, Andrew Boyle, Murray
Caroline County—R. B. Culbreth, G. W. Goldsborough.
Baltimore City—H. Welles Rusk, August Berkemeier,
C. W. Lewis, J. J. McWilliams, F. S Hoblitzell. John T
McGlone, Thomas Coburn, William E. Stewart, Charles J.
McAleese, John Gill, Jr., Henry B. Hart, Henry E Loane,
Edward J. Chaisty Marcus Hess, Bernard L. Harig, Ed-
ward W. Albaugh, Henry Sanders, John J. Fenton.
Washington County—J. McPherson Scott, Lewis C. Smith,
Joseph H, Farrow, Henry E. Ranger.
Montgomery County—Somerset O. Jones, William M.
Canby, Howard Griffith.
Allegany County—George M. Rawlings, Henry R. Atkin-
son, William O. Sprigg, John R. Brooke.
Carroll County—Frank Brown, Jacob Rinehart, Harrison
H. Lamotte, Somerset R. Waters.
Howard County—John J. Donaldson, John R. Clark
Wicomico County—B. R. Dashiell, William G Gordy.
Garrett County—Richard T. Browning, Wm. R. Barnard.
Eighty-three members having answered to their names the
clerk announced that a majority of all the members elected
being present, under the provisions of the Constitution the
House could now proceed to business.
Mr. Robinson moved that for the purpose of a temporary
organization, the Hon. John Gill, Jr. bt called to the chair.
Decided in the affirmative.
The Speaker pro tem., having been conducted to the chair
by Messrs. Robinson and Gordy, delivered a brief address.
Prayer was then offered by Rev. J. W. Steele.
Mr. Waters of Carroll, submitted the following order:
Ordered, That the rules of the last House of Delegates be
in force, and until other rules are adopted:
Which was adopted.