Mr. Snowden moved that the House do now proceed to the
nomination of Speaker.
Decided in the affirmative.
Mr. Scott nominated Hon. Washington A. Smith, of Dor-
Mr. McGlone nominated Hon. Lewis Cass Smith, of Wash-
ington County.
On motion of Mr. Loane,
The nominations were closed
The Speaker appointed Messrs. Hance and Scott tellers.
The election for Speaker was then proceeded with.
Upon the call of the roll, it appeared that eighty-three
members were present.
Upon counting the ballots, it appearing that
Hon. Lewis C. Smith had received 56 votes.
Hon. Washington A. Smith had received 24 votes.
Hon. E. J. Chaisty had received 1 vote.
Two blank ballots being cast.
The Speaker pro tem, declared that the Hon. Lewis C.
Smith having received a majority of all the votes cast, was
duly elected Speaker of the House of Delegates.
The Speaker pro tem, appointed Hon. Washington A.
Smith and Hon. Albert Constable to conduct the Speaker
elect to the Chair.
Hon. E. J. Chaisty then administered the oath of office to
the Speaker.
The Speaker then delivered the following address:
Gentlemen of the House of Delegates:
To preside over the deliberations of the popular branch
of the Maryland Legislature is an honor of which the most
ambitious may well feel proud; to be chosen to this high sta-
tion at the present session, a time when the eyes of the peo-
ple of the whole State are anxiously directed towards, our
every increment, greatly enhances that honor.
To you, therefore, I return my sincere thanks for the dis-
tinguished favor I have this day received at your bands; and
in so doing, I assure you I do but illy express the grateful
feelings which I experience at this manifestation of your con-