said company may charge for the transportation of any single
package, for any distance twenty-five cents; and lor the
transportation of any passenger, shall not charge for any
distance over ten miles a higher rate than six cents per mile,
including baggage to the extent of fifty pounds, or occupy-
ing a space not exceeding four cubic feet, and it shall not be
lawful for any person or persons, to travel upon or use said
Road, or to transport persons, merchandize, produce, or
other property along said Road, without the license of said
President and Directors, or a majority of them, and the said
Road, with its works, improvements and profits, and all the
machinery of transportation used on said Road, are hereby
vested in said "Worcester Railroad Company," thus incor-
porated, and their successors forever, and the shares of the
Capital Stock of said Company shall be deemed personal
Make Section 3, Section 4.
Which was adopted.
Said bill as amended was then read a second time, and or-
dered to be engrossed for a third reading.
On motion of Mr. Purnell,
Said bill was then made the order of the day for Friday,
11th instant.
The House then proceeded to the consideration of the next
order of the day, being
The bill entitled an Act to repeal section 155, of Article 3,
Public Local Laws, entitled "Baltimore county," in reference
to laying off streets in Baltimore county, adjoining Baltimore
The question recurring upon the amendment submitted by
Mr. Gill, on the 4th instant.
Mr. Gill, (by unanimous consent),
Submitted the following amendment, as a substitute there-
Add to Section 2, "And be it enacted, that the repeal of
the Act or Acts hereinbefore mentioned, and the repeal of
any or all of them, or the repeal of any section or of all of
them shall not effect or impair any right vested or acquired
Under any of the same, and existing at the time of said repeal,
[See image for text]