Dunbar, Ward, Gill,
Hattingly, Snowden, Hart,
Boyer, Hance, Loane,
Usilton, Gwynn, Chaisty,
Hodges, Cockey, Hess,
Turner, Neal, Harig,
Bird, Purnell, Sanders,
Lancaster, Onley, Fenton,
Hawkins, Vandiver', Canby,
Hooper, Culbreth, Griffith,
Given, Rusk, Atkinson,
Dodson, Berkemier, Sprigg,
Lankford, Lewis, Brooke,
Gunby, McWilliams, Brown,
Ford, Hoblitzell, Lamotte,
Lambdin, McGlone. Dashiell,
Smith, of Dor. Coburn, Browning—53.
Briscoe, Stewart,
So the amendment was rejected.
Mr. Donaldson submitted the following amendment
Section 2. At the end of line four, add the words, "but
only for Railroad purposes."
Which was adopted.
Mr. Purnell submitted the following amendment
SECTION 3. And be it enacted, That section thirteen of the
Act of eighteen hundred and sixty-seven, chapter three hun-
dred and three, entitled "an Act to revive and extend an
Act to incorporate the Worcester Railroad Company," pass-
ed at the January Session, eighteen hundred and fifty-three,
with amendments, be and the same is hereby repealed and
re-enacted to read as follows :
That the said President and Directors, or a majority of
them, may purchase with the funds of the said company, and
place on said Railroad, all machines, wagons, engines, vehi-
cles or carriages whatsoever, for the purpose of transportation
on said Road, and shall not charge for transportation a
higher rate of toll per mile for any distance over ten miles,
than the following, namely, on goods, produce, merchandize
or property of nay description, than ton cents a ton ; on
lumber, bark or staves, by the ear load, five cents per ton ;
on cord wood, by the car load, five cents per cord ; on shin-
gles, by the car load, four cents per thousand. Provided, the