any portion thereof, as are mentioned and described in the
said two preceding Sections, in the said three months preced-
ing the time hereinbefore prescribed for filing said accounts,
he shall file an affidavit or affirmation to that effect, at the
time prescribed for filing said accounts.
Which was adopted.
Mr. McGlone submitted the following amendment:
628. I. All cost paid to any Justice of the Peace, sit-
ting at any Station House, shall be accounted for, and paid
by said Justice to the Board of Police Commissioners of Balti-
more city, to be by them applied as directed by Section eight
hundred and fifteen, Article four, of the Public Laws of the
City of Baltimore,
Which was adopted.
Mr. McGlone submitted the following amendment:
Amend Section 628, K, by adding afterword "thereafter,"
at end of said Section, the following :
"Provided, that the Mayor of said city shall have full"
power in his discretion to remove any of the said constables
for any malconduct in office, whether the said constables may
be convicted in a Ceurt of Law, as hereinafter prescribed or
Which was adopted.
Mr. McGlone submitted the following amendment:
Section 628. L. line 4, add after word " Court," "No
Constable shall deputize any person to act in the service of
any writ whatever, for or in his behalf."
Which was adopted.
The bill, as amended, was then read a second time
Mr. Gill moved that said bill be printed, together with the
amendments adopted.
The question recurring upon concurring in the motion,.
Mr. Gill demanded the yeas and nays.
The demand being sustained,
The yeas and nays were called and appeared as follows;
Smith, Speaker, Lankford, Goldsborough,
Dunbar, Gunby, Gill,
Turner, Ford, Hess,
Bird, Smith, of Dor., Harig,