House, shall be permitted to charge any fee or receive any
gratuity for granting any release, or for the performance of
any duty required by law."
Which was adopted.
Mr. McGlone submitted the following amendment:
Amend bill, by inserting after the word "case," at end of
Section 628 E, the following to be known as 628 F, « 'every
Justice of the Peace appointed under the provision of this
Act, shall file with the Clerk of the Court of Common Pleas,
on the first day of April, July, October and January, in
each and every year, an account verified by his oath or affir-
mation, of all fines, forfeitures and penalties imposed by him
«nder the laws of this State during the three preceding
months, which said account shall show the names of the re-
spective defendants, the Acts of Assembly under which said
fines, forfeitures or penalties were respectively imposed, and
the amounts paid in each case by the said respective defend-
ants, and the said Justice of the Peace at the time of filing
said account shall pay over to the said Clerk the amount of
said fines, penalties and forfeitures so received, or the portion
thereof to which the State of Maryland is entitled, to be ac-
countedfor by said Clerk, as other moneys of the said State."
Which was adopted.
Mr. McGlone submitted the following amendment:
628. G. Every Justice of the Peace appointed under the
provision of this Act, shall file with the Register of the City
of Baltimore, on the first day of April, July, October and
January, in each and every year, an account, verified by his
oath or affirmation, of all fines, forfeitures and penalties im-
posed by him under the Ordinance of the Mayor and City
Council of Baltimore, during the three preceding months,
which said account shall show the names of the respective
defendants ; the Ordinance under which said fines, penal-
ties or forfeitures were respectively imposed, and the amounts
paid in each case by said respective defendants, and the said
Justice of the Peace, at the time of filing said account, shall
pay over to the said Register, the amount of said fines, pen-
alties and forfeitures so incurred, or the portion thereof, to
which the Mayor and City Council of Baltimore is entitled,
to be accounted for by said Register as other moneys of the
said city are accounted for by him.
Which was adopted.
628. H. If any Justice of the Peace shall not have im-
posed or received any such fines, forfeitures or penalties, or