On motion .of Mr. Sprigg,
Leave was granted to the Allegany delegation, to intro-
duce a bill, to repeal Section 48, of an Act, entitled an Ast,
to amend the charter of the City of Cumberland, passed at
January Session, 1874, chapter 100.
To repeal Section 52, of Article 1, of the Code of Ptlblie
Local Laws, title "Allegany County," sub-title, "Climber-
land," and to re-enact the same with amendments.
On motion of Mr. Scott,
Leave was granted to the Washington county delegation,
to introduce a bill entitled an Act, to add additional sections
to Article 21, of the Code of Public Local Laws, entitled
"Washington county," sub-title "Licenses."
On motion of Mr. Smith, of Dorchester,
Leave was granted to the Dorchester delegation, to intro-
duce a bill to repeal Article 38, Code of Public General
Laws, title, " Fees of Officers," and to re-enact the same with
amendments, so far as the same relates to Dorchester county.
On motion of Mr. Sprigg,
Leave was granted to the Allegany delegation, to introduce
a bill to repeal sub-section 5, of chapter 94, of the Acts,
passed at January Session, 1872, entitled an Act "to enable
the County Commissioners of Allegany county to appoint a
County Treasurer, &c."
On motion of Mr. Rutledge,
Leave was granted to the Committee on Ways and Means,
to introduce a bill to amend Section ninety-one, of Ar-
ticle fifty-six, of the Code of Public General Laws, en-
titled "Licenses."
On motion of Mr. Sprigg,
Leave was granted to the Committee on the Judiciary, to
introduce a bill to make valid the acts of the Commissioners
appointed by the Act of the General Assembly of Maryland,
passed at December Session 1840, chapter 219, and to con-
firm the proceedings of a majority of said Commissioners.
On motion of Mr. Rutledge,
Leave was granted to the Committee on the Judiciary, to
introduce a bill to amend Section two, of Article fifth,
of the Code of Public General Laws, entitled "Appeals,"
as epacted by chapter 316, of Acts of 1872.
On motion of Mr. Constable,
Leave was granted to the Committee on the Judiciary, to
introduce a bill proposing an amendment to Sections 2, 3,
14,15, 16, 17, 18, 19, 20, 21, 22, 23, 24, 25, 26, :S7, 28,