29, 30, 31. 32, 33, 34, 35, 36, 37, 38 and 39, of Article 4,
title "Judiciary Department" of the Constitution of the
State, to be voted on by the people.
The House then proceeded to the consideration of unfinished
business, being the bill entitled an Act to repeal Sections 619,
620, 625, 626, 627 and 628, of Article IV, of the Public Lo-
cal Laws, title "City of Baltimore," sub-title "Justices of
the Peace and Constables," and to re-enact certain Sections
in lieu of the Sections so repealed.
Said bill being upon a second reading,
The question recurring upon the amendment submitted by
Mr. Hoblitzell on yesterday.
Mr. Hoblitzell, (by unanimous consent,)
Submitted the following substitute therefor :
Sec. 619. Strike out all after the word "appoint" in second
line, and insert "seven Justices of the Peace from the first
Legislative District of Baltimore city, one for each of the
wards thereof; seven Justices of the Peace from the Second
Legislative District of Baltimore city, one for each of the
wards thereof; six Justices of the Peace from the Third Leg-
islative District of Baltimore city, one for each of the wards
thereof; and six Justices of the Peace from the City of Bal-
timore at large, who shall be appointed from such ward or
wards as the Governor may elect and determine.
Which was read.
Mr. Gill submitted the following amendment:
Section 619, after the word "appoint," insert seven "Jus-
tices of the Peace from the First Legislative District for the
several wards thereof; seven Justices of the Peace from the
Second Legislative District for the several wards thereof; six
Justices of the Peace from the Third Legislative District for
The several wards thereof; and four Justices of the Peace for
the city at large, two of whom shall be competent to speak
the German language.
"Which was read.
The question recurring upon the adoption of the amend-
ment submitted by Mr. Gill,
Mr. Gill demanded the yeas and nays,
The demand being sustained,
The yeas and nays were called and appeared as follows:
Hodges, Hinks, Farrow,
Hooper, Naill, Ranger,