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Proceedings of the House, 1876
Volume 413, Page 271   View pdf image (33K)
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The bill entitled an Act to amend an Act entitled an Act to
incorporate the Safe Deposit Company, of Baltimore, chapter
242 of the Acts of the General Assembly of 1864, and the
Acts amendatory thereof, being chapter 82 of 186T, and
chapter 394 of 1868, and to chauge the name of said corpo-
ration to the Safe Deposit Company, of Baltimore,
Was read a second time and ordered to be engrossed for
third reading.
The bill entitled an Act to extend the jurisdiction of the
Justices of the Peace for St. Mary's county,to cases of assault
and battery,
Being upon a second reading,
Mr. Mattingly submitted the following amendment:
Section 1, line 8, add after the word "kill" the words
"rob or commit rape."
Which was adopted.
Mr. Whitelock submitted the following amendments:
In line 2, 1st section, after "St. Mary's," insert "Balti-
more, Talbot, and Washington" change "county" to "coun-
In line 6, section 1, make word "county" "counties."
Section 2, in line 2, change "county" to "counties."
In line 3 alter after "St. Mary's" add "Baltimore, Talbot,
and Washington," change word "county" in same line to
Section 3, change "county" to "counties" wherever it
Which were severally read and adopted.
The bill as amended was then read a second time and
ordered to be engrossed for a third reading.
The bill entitled an Act to repeal Sections 5 and 7 of Arti-
cle 10 of the Code of Public General Laws entitled "Attach-
ments," and re-enact the same with amendments.
Being upon its second reading.
On motion of Mr. Rutledge,
The further consideration tkereof was postponed,
And said bill recommitted to the Committee on the Judi-
Mr. Stewart, Chairman of the Committee on the Chesa-
peake Bay and its Tributaries, to whom was referred the Re-

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Proceedings of the House, 1876
Volume 413, Page 271   View pdf image (33K)   << PREVIOUS  NEXT >>

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