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Proceedings of the House, 1876
Volume 413, Page 267   View pdf image (33K)
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Mr. Whitelock presented the memorial of ninety-six
owners and tenants of property along the line of the Balti-
more and Havre de Grace Turnpike, invoking the aid of the
Assembly to redress their grievances.
Which was read and referred to the Committee on Corpo-
Mr. Given presented the petition of Wm. Burns, to em-
power the County Commissioners of Baltimore county to pay
him a sum of money to pay physician's fee and time lost in
consequence of injuries received in assisting a State officer in
arresting dangerous persons.
Which was read and referred to the Baltimore county
Mr. Stewart presented the petition of the Trustees of St.
Mary's Industrial School for Boys, asking an appropriation for
said school.
Which was read and referred to the Committee on Ways
and Means.
On motion of Mr. Coburn, it was
Ordered, That Mr. Gwynn be excused for being absent on
Wednesday on important business.
On motion of Mr. Ranger it was
Ordered, That Mr. Farrow be excused for absence from
this House on Monday the 31st, and Tuesday the 1st, on ac-
count of business engagements.
On motion of Mr. Hoblitzell, it was
Ordered, That it be entered on the Journal that Mr.
Fenton was absent Tuesday on private business.
On motion of Mr. Donaldson, it was
Ordered, That the members of the Select Committee on
Fisheries be excused from the service of this House on to-
morrow, Feb. 4th, in order that they may visit the hatching
houses of the Commission of Fisheries in Druid Hill Park.
On motion of Mr. Hoblitzell, it was
Ordered, That it be entered on the Journal that Mr. Mc-
Glone was absent on Tuesday, 1st February, on account of
important business, and that he be excused therefor.
On motion of Mr. Hinks,
Leave was granted to the Committee on the Judiciary to
introduce a bill entitled an Act to repeal Section 67 of Ar-
ticle 30, Code of Public General Laws, title "Crimes and
Punishments," sub-title "Gunning," and enact a substitute

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Proceedings of the House, 1876
Volume 413, Page 267   View pdf image (33K)   << PREVIOUS  NEXT >>

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