the General Assembly of Maryland, of 1854, to that of the
Little Sisters of the Poor.
Which was read a second time.
Also, favorably,
The bill entitled an Act to amend the Charter of the Wor-
cester Railroad Company, and its supplements.
Said bill being upon a second reading,
Mr. Donaldson moved that the further consideration there-
of be postponed, and said bill referred to the Committee on
the Judiciary.
The question recurring upon concurring in the motion.
Mr. Donaldson demanded the yeas and nays.
The demand being sustained,
The yeas and nays were called, and appeared as follows:
Smith, Speaker, Constable, Ranger,
Boyer, Gwynn, Jones,
Usilton, Riggs, Rawlings
Lancaster, Hinks, Sprigg,
Hawkins, Naill, Brooke,
Baldwin, Linthicum, Donaldson,
Smith, of B. co., Rutledge, Dashiell,
Given, Culbreth, Gordy,
Fitzjarrell, Chaisty, Browning—28.
Mattingly, Boyle, Hart,
Bird, Vandiver, Loane,
Whitelock, Goldsborough, Harig,
Lankford, Rusk, Albaugh,
Gunby, Berkemeier, Sanders,
Waters, of Dor., Hoblitzell, Canby,
Hance, Coburn, Griffith,
Cockey, Stewart, Atkinson,
Neal, McAleese, Rinehart—28.
So the motion to refer was decided in the negative.
Said bill was then read a second time, and ordered to be
engrossed for a third reading.
Mr. Robinson, Chairman of the Committee on Education,
reported favorably,
A bill entitled an Act granting to the Johns Hopkins
University, the power to grant certain Degrees.
Which was read the first time.