On motion of Mr. Constable,
Leave wag granted to the Committee on the Judiciary to in-
troduce a bill to provide against fraudulent voting at elections.
Mr. Loane, Chairman of the Committee on Corporations,
reported favorably,
A bill entitled an Act to repeal an Act passed at the Ses-
sion of 1870, chapter 148, entitled an Act to add additional
Sections to the Act of 1865, chapter 36, entitled an Act to
incorporate the German Fire Insurance Company of Balti-
more, and also to repeal Sections 2, 3 and 6, of the said Act
of 1865, chapter 36, entitled an Act to incorporate the Ger-
man Fire Insurance Company of Baltimore, and to re-enact
said 3 Sections with amendments.
Which was read a first time.
Mr. Coburn moved that said bill be read a second time
this day, under the provibions of the Constitution, Sec. 27.
Article 3
The yeas and nays were called and appeared as follows:
Smith, Speaker, Hance, Chaisty,
Mattingly, Gwynn, Harig,
Boyer, Cockey, Albaugh,
Rullman, Neal, Sanders,
Turner, Riggs, Ranger,
Lancaster, Hinks, Jones,
Hawkins, Naill, Canby,
Baldwin, Linthicum, Griffith,
Whitelock, Boyle, Rawlings,
Curtis, Vandiver, Atkinson,
Smith, of B. co., Culbreth, Sprigg,
Given, Rusk, Brooke,
Fitzjarrell, Berkemeier, Rinehart,
Lank ford, Lewis, Lamotte,
Gunby, McWilliams, Waters, of Car'l.,
Ford, Hoblitzell, Donaldson,
Waters, of Dor., Coburn, Dashiell,
Briscoe, Stewart, Gordy,
Ward, Gill, Browning—59.
Snowden, Hart,
So two-thirds of all the members elected to the House hav-
ing voted in the affirmative,
Said bill was ordered to a second reading.
Pending which,