First Branch of the City Council df Baltimore, fom twenty
to forty, (two from each Ward,) and of the Second Branch
from ten to twenty, (two from two Wards,) the tenure of
office for each Branch, and election therefor to be the same
as at present; the salary of the members to be five hundred
dollars a year, and the law not to take effect until, October
On motion of Mr. Neal,
Leave was granted to Messrs. Neal, Cot key and Hawkins
to introduce a bill entitled an Act to provide for a general
index of certain records in the office of the Register of Wills
for Queen Anne's county.
On motion of Mr. McGlone,
Leave was granted to the Baltimore city delegation to in-
troduce a bill entitled an Act to amend the Act passed at
January Session. 1870, chapter 477, under the head of "Bal-
timore City," by adding the name of Rachel Medairer in the
place of Richard Medairer, an error in the engrossment of
said Act.
On motion of Mr. McGlone,
Leave was granted to the Committee on the Judiciary to
intioduce a bill to provide for the printing and binding ne-
cessary to be done for the General Assembly, and 'he several
departments of the 8ta:e Government, and to provide for the
award of the contract therefor to the lowest responsible bid-
On motion of Mr. Donaldson,
Leave was granted to the Committee on the Judiciary to
introduce a bill entitled an Act to repeal chapter 155 of the
Acts passed at January Session, 1874, entitled an Act to re-
peal Section 5 of Article 98 of the Code of Public General
Laws, and to re-enact the same with amendments.
On motion of Mr. Bird,
Leave was granted to the Committee on the Judiciary, to
introduce a bill to repeal the Act of 18' 5, chapter 130, as
amended by the Act of 1866, chapter 102, relating to the
registration of births, marriages and deaths.
On motion of Mr. Goldsborough,
Leave was granted to Messrs. Goldsborough, Culbreth and
Koons, to introduce a bill to regulate the trial fees of the
State's Attorney for Caroline county.
On motion of Mr. Scott,
Leave was granted to the Washington county delegation,
to introduce a bill to regulate the collection of taxes in
Washington county.
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