Baltimore, incorporated by chapter 199, of the Acts of the
General Assembly of Maryland, of 1854, to that of "The
Little Sisters of the Poor."
Which was read a first time and referred to the Commit-
tee on Corporations.
The bill entitled an Act to giye and declare the sanction
and consent of the General Assembly of Maryland, to the be-
quest of one thousand dollars to the Presbyterian Church, at
New town, Worcester county, Maryland, and also to the be-
quest of one thousand dollars, to the Methodist Church at
Jacobsport, Coshocton county, Ohio, and also to the bequest
of one thousand dollars to the Lintpn Presbyterian Church
of Coshocton county, Ohio, all contained in the codicil to the
latt will and testament of John Gunby, deceased.
Which was read a first time and referred to Messrs. Purnell,
Onley and Gunby.
On motion of Mr. Harig,
The vote by which the various petitions and other papers,
relative to claims for Tobacco destroyed by fire, in State To-
bacco Warehouses, had been ordered to be referred to the
Committee on Claims, was reconsidered.
And said papers referred to Committee on Ways and
The Speaker announced that the House had disposed of all
the business upon the Speaker's desk.
On motion of Mr. Smith, of Dorchester,
At 2 o'clock, P. M., the House adjourned.
FRIDAY, January 28th, 1876.
The House met, and was opened with prayer by the Rev.
Mr. Ida.
[See image for text]