Mr. Naill predated the supplementary memorial of Wm.
B. Gilbert and outliers, asking that their original memorial
be corrected, as herein set forth, in the matter of the con-
tested elections in Baltimore city.
Which was read and referred to the Committee on Elec-
Mr. Naill presented the supplementary memorial of Wm.
Reynolds and others, contesting the election in the City of
Baltimore, asking that an omission in their original memo-
rial be supplied by inserting the name of Henry B. Hart, as
one of the candidates opposed to them in the election in Bal-
timore city, &c.
Which was read and referred to the Committee on Elec-
Mr. Robinson presented the petition of J. W. Chaney and
others, citizens of Calvert county, in reference to inspection
of Tobacco.
Which was read and referred to the Committee on Inspec-
Mr. Naill presented the supplementary memorial of Wm.
L. Morse and others, asking that an error in their original
memorial be corrected by changing the name of Geo. W.
Albaugh to Edward W. Albaugh, in the matter of the con-
tested election, in the City of Baltimore.
Which was read and referred to the Committee on Elec-
Mr. Koons presented the petitions of S. P. Haffner and
others, praying the repeal of the Act of 1874, chap.; 285, re-
lating to the sale of Intoxicating Drinks within three miles
of Hansonsville Post Office, in Frederick county.
Which was referred to the Frederick Delegation.
Mr. Whitelock presented the petition of John M. Carter,
John F. Graham, J. H. Fisher, and 51 others, for the en-
actment of a law to prevent the issuing of a license to permit
the sale of spiritous liquors within a distance of one mile of
Washington Factory, Baltimore county.
Which was referred to the Baltimore County Delegation.
Mr. Robinson presented the petition of J. F. Bond and
others, citizens of Calvet county.
The petition of J. A. Bacha and others of Calvert county.