The question recurring upon concurring in the motion,
Mr. Koons demanded the yeas and nays.
The demand being sustained,
The yeas and nays were called and appeared as follows:
Dunbar, Dodson, Hinks,
Turner, Lankford, Rutledge,
Hooper, Gunby, Scott,
Baldwin, Ford, Farrow,
Whitelock, Smith, of Dor., Ranger,
Curtis, Waters, of Dor., Rinehart,
Smith, of B. co., Cockey, Waters, of Car'l.
Given, Purnell, Donaldson—26.
Fitzjarrell, Riggs,
Smith, Speaker, Culbreth, Albaugh,
Matti gly, Goldsborough, Fenton,
Boyer, Rusk, Jones,
Usilton, Berkemeier, Canby,
Hodges, Lewis, Griffith,
Robinson, McWilliams, Rawlings,
Rullman, Hoblitzell, Sprigg,
Briscoe, Coburn, Brown,
Ward, Stewart, Brooke,
Snowden, McAleese, Lamotte,
Gwynn, Loane, Dashiell,
Neal, Chaisty, Gordy,
Onley, Hess, Barnard,
Boyle, Harig, Browning—43.
So the motion to postpone was lost;
Mr. Gill declined to vote, because ho did not clearly com-
prehend the proposition submitted by Mr. Scott, it was too
indefinite in its nature, if any specific time had been named
by the gentleman when the minority would report, he, Mr,
Gill, would theb have been enabled to vote understandingly.
Mr. Goldsborough submitted the following order:
Ordered, That the majority and minority Reports of the
Committee on Elections be read seri dim to-night. and that
said reports be made the order for to-morrow, at 11 o'clock,
and privilege question, and that each district be taken up
seriatim and disposed of, and that one member of the ma-
jority Report, and one of the minority Report, be allowed 20