Griffith, Rawlings, Atkinson, Sprigg, Brooke, Brown, Rine-
hart, Lamotte, Waters, of Car'l, Donaldson, Clark, Dashiell,
Gordy, Browning—79.
The Journal of yesterday was read.
Hon. John A. Dunbar, member-elect from St. Mary's
county, appeared, qualified and took his seat.
The Speaker announced the following Committee on Rules
under the order adopted on yesterday :
Messrs. Gill, Hance, Robinson and Lankford, the Speaker,
under said order, being named as ex-officio Chairman.
The following Committee under order submitted by Mr.
Hoblitzell adopted on yesterday, to report the number of
subordinate officers necessary for the furtherance of the busi-
ness of the House, and the compensation they shall receive.
Messrs. Mattingly, Usilton, Robinson, Lambdin, Ward,
Snowden, Cockey, Purnell, Boyle,Colbreth, Lewis, Hart, Fen-
ton, Canby, Rawlings, Rinehart, Clark, Dashiell, Barnard.
Mr. Smith, of Dorchester, presented the memorial of Wm.
B. Gilbert, Jacob Bounett, Peter New, A. A, Kranzt, Chas.
T. Gibson and James G. Clark, of the First Legislative
District of the City of Baltimore, contesting the election
held in said district of said city, on the 2nd day of No-
vember. 1875
The memorial of William Reynolds, T. Wallis Blackiston,
Sylvester L. Stockbridge, Edward D. McConkey, Edwin
Higgins and Archibald C. Sturgeon, of the Second Legisla-
tive District of the City of Baltimore, contesting the election
held in said district of said city, on the 2nd day of No-
vember, 1875.
The memorial of William L. Morse, Frederick Achiey,
Samuel White, William C. Nickum and Geo. L. McCahan,
of the Third Legislative District of the City of Baltimore,
contesting the election held in paid district of said city, on
the 2nd day of November, 1875.
Which were severally read.
Mr. Smith, of Dorchester, moved that the memorial be re-
ferred to a Select Committee on that subject, to be appointed
by the Chair.
Pending the consideration whereof,