at Cheltenham, in Prince George's connty, and examine into
the condition of those Institutions, and report by bill or
We have appointed on the part of the Senate, Messrs.
Aydelotte and Mudd.
By order,
Which was read.
Mr. Constable, Chairman of the Committee on the Ju-
diciary, reported without amendments,
The Senate bill entitled an Act to authorize the Court of
Appeals to hear the appeal of the Mayor and City Council of
Baltimore, and James M. Anderson, Collector, against the
Grand Lodge of Maryland, of the Independent Order of Odd-
Fellows, in relation to the opening of Lexington street, at
the present term of said Court.
Which was read a second time.
The Senate bill entitled an Act to authorize and direct the
the Governor to convey a portion of the State Hay Scales lot
in the City of Baltimore, to the Mayor and City Council of
Which was read a second time.
Mr. Constable, Chairman of the Committee on the Judi-
ciary, to whom had been referred the petition of Wm. Har-
vey and Joseph DeWitt, Judges of the Orphan's Court for
Garrett county, praying the passage of an Act legalizing the
will of Thomas Grimes, late of said county, deceased, re-
ported unfavorably thereon, and asked to be discharged from
the further consideration thereof.
The report was adopted, and the Committee discharged.
Mr. Boyle, Chairman of a Select Committee, repor ed
A bill entitled an Act to repeal Article 31, of the Code of
Public General Laws, entitled "Crows," so far as the same
relates to Harford and Montgomery counties.
Which was read a first time.
Mr. Gwynn, Chairman of a Select Committee, reported
A bill entitled an Act to repeal the Act passed at the Janu-
ary Session, 1874, chapter 278, entitled aa Act to regulate
fences on adjoining lands of persons in Prince George
Which was read a first time.