Therefore be it ordered, That the Committee on Corpora-
tions inquir£into and investigate why said discriminations
are made, and report by bill or otherwise, how said discrimi-
nations shall be prevented.
Which was adopted.
Mr. Neal submitted the following order:
Ordered, That the Committee on Elections be, and they
are hereby authorized to employ a stenographer, when need-
ed by them in the discharge of their duty as a Committee;
and, also, that they shall be, and are hereby authorized to
to employ such clerical help as they deem requisite ; pro-
vided, that any appointment made under this order, shall be
subject to the approval of the Speaker.
Which was unanimously adopted.
Mr. Smith of Baltimore county submitted the following
Ordered, That it be entered on the Journal, that the ab-
sence of Mr. Curtis of Baltimore county, is caused by pick-
Which was adopted.
Mr. Gill submitted the following order:
Ordered, That all Travelling Committees shall pay their
own expenses, and that the Chairman of the Committee on
Claims is hereby instructed to pay no bill or claim for the
expenses of any such committee.
Which was read.
The question recurring upon the adoption of the order.
Mr. Stewart demanded the yeas and nays.
The demand being sustained,
The yeas and nays were called, and appeared as follows :
Smith, Speaker, Gwinn, Fenioo,
Boyer, Purnell, Farrow,
Robinson, Onley, Ranger,
Lancaster, H inks, Jones,
Baldwin, Naill, Griffith,
Given, Koons, Brooke,
Lankford, Rutledge, . Brown,
Gunby, Berkemeier, Rinehart,
Ford, Hoblitzell, Waters, of Car'l,
Lambdin, Coburn, Donaldson,
Hance, Gill, Clark—33.