proceeds arising from the sale of said bonds shall be used
except for the purposes designated and provided for in this
Act, provided that the cost of engraving or printing said bonds
and the cost of advertising authorized by this Act, and other
identical expenses, including legal expenses, connected with
the issuance and sale of said bonds may be paid out of said
funds; and in the event The County Commissioners of Dor-
chester County, Maryland, shall reject the proposals or bids
for the said bonds, they shall have full power and authority
to sell the bonds theretofore advertised, either at public sale,
after re-advertisement, or at private sale, without re-advertise-
ment, and the rights of the purchaser or purchasers of the said
bonds, or any of them, shall in no way or manner be affected
or impaired by the application or misapplication, appropria-
tion or misappropriation by The County Commissioners of
Dorchester County, Maryland, or by the school building Com-
missions herein provided, of the money arising from the sale
of any or all of the said bonds.
SEC. 6 And T)e it further enacted, That Russell S. Davis,
Howard Sullivan, William H. Leonard, Jr., George D. Holder,
Earle W. Orem, Granville Hooper, Fred J. Parks, James S.
Joy and James B. Noble, Superintendent of Public Schools in
Dorchester County, or his successor in office, all of Dorchester
County, State of Maryland, be, and they are hereby, appointed
Commissioners for the purposes and with the powers herein
set forth for the erecting, enlarging, remodeling, improving
and equipping a new Cambridge Seminary, to be built upon
the premises where the old Seminary is now located, or to
purchase a new site for said new Cambridge Seminary, or to
arrange for an exchange of land for a new site for said new
Cambridge Seminary, in their discretion, all subject to the
approval of the Board of Education of Dorchester County and
the State Superintendent of Schools, as provided by law, and
for enlarging, remodeling, improving and equipping the East
Cambridge School for white children, or to build a new East
Cambridge School, and to erect and equip a new school for
colored children in Cambridge, and to purchase a site therefor,
if necessary, if said site is purchased it is to be done subject
to the approval of the Board of Education of Dorchester
County and the State Superintendent of Schools, as aforesaid,
and for the acquisition, improvement and maintenance of a
public playground in the City of Cambridge; and that Andy
Sard, George Hearn, Clarence L. Saxton, John A. Baker and
Daniel Webster, all of Dorchester County, State of Maryland,
be, and they are hereby, appointed Commissioners for the pur-
poses and with the powers herein set forth for enlarging, re-
modeling, improving and equipping the Secretary School for
white children, or to build a new Secretary School; and that