Clarence L. Saxton, Earle W. Orem, Clay M. Webb, Mrs.
Arianna W. Andrews, Donald Richardson and Edgar F. Brad-
ley, constituting the Board of Education of Dorchester County,
be, and they are hereby, appointed Commissioners for the pur-
poses and with the powers herein set forth for improving and
equipping the Eldorado School for white children, and for
improving and equipping the Hudson School for white chil-
dren, and for enlarging and equipping the Crapo High School
for white children, and for improving and equipping the
Hoopers Island High School for white children, and to erect
and equip a new school for colored children at Reids Grove,
consisting of one room, and to purchase a site therefor, if
necessary, if said site is purchased it is to be done subject to
the approval of the Board of Education of Dorchester County
and the State Superintendent of Schools, as aforesaid, and
for improving various schools in Dorchester County for
children; and that the first nine named shall be known as
the "School Building Commission of Cambridge for Schools
for White and Colored Children", that the next five named
shall be known as the "School Building Commission of Secre-
tary", and that the next six, constituting the Board of Edu-
cation of Dorchester County, shall be known as the "School
Building Commission for Schools for White and Colored
Children in Dorchester County", and they shall hold office
from the date of the passage of this Act until the completion
of the work authorized herein, if the said bond issue is so
authorized, in the discretion of the County Commissioners of
Dorchester County, Maryland. The Commissions hereby
created shall organize within thirty (30) days after the noti-
fication by the County Commissioners of Dorchester County,
Maryland, that it is the intention of the County Commissioners
of Dorchester County, Maryland, to proceed with the said
bond issue, and said Commissioners shall elect one of their
number as Chairman and another of their number as Secre-
tary, for their respective Commissions, and all of said Com-
missioners shall serve without pay, but shall have authority
to issue orders, vouchers, or warrants, as hereinafter provided,
for the necessary incidental expenses. The Commissioners
shall have the power and authority to fill all vacancies in
their respective Commissions caused by removal, resignation,
or other cause.
SEC. 7. And 6 e it further enacted, That after the payment
of the expenses provided for in Section 5 of this Act, the money
arising from the sale of said bonds, and whatever money may
be received from the United States Government by way of a
grant, shall be paid over to the Treasurer of Dorchester County
and credited and deposited by him in a special account to be