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Session Laws, 1937
Volume 412, Page 953   View pdf image (33K)
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thirteen minutes ten seconds east three hundred sixty-eight
and three-tenths feet to an old stone monument set at the
northwest corner of the Murphy tract; (8) thence continuing
with the north line of Murphy south eighty-five degrees twenty-
four minutes thirty-two seconds east six hundred nine and one-
tenth feet to an old stone monument set at the northeast
corner of the Murphy tract (being the south eighty-one degrees
no minutes east six hundred thirteen and one-tenth feet line,
Liber 376, folio 3); (9) thence south eight degrees twenty-six
minutes thirty-two seconds west six hundred ninety-six and
nine-tenths feet to an old stone at the roots of a cedar tree (being
part of the north thirteen degrees no minutes east six hundred
and four-tenths feet line of Liber J. W. B. 18, folio 283 and
also part of the south thirteen and one-eighth degrees west
seventy-eight and one-fifth perches line of Liber J. W. B. 15,
folio 424); (10) thence south no degrees forty-eight minutes
two seconds east thirteen hundred fifty-one and nine-tenths
feet to an old stone monument set at the southeast corner of
the Edgewood Road right-of-way, being also the point of be-
ginning of the original tract of Hollywood Sub-division (Liber
15, folio 671); (11) thence with the first line of Hollywood
(Liber 15, folio 671) south fifty-five degrees twenty minutes six
seconds east twelve hundred forty-eight and five-tenths feet
passing over two concrete monuments and the right-of-way of
the Baltimore and Ohio Railway to a concrete monument set
in the east edge of said right-of-way as defined in the descrip-
tion of W. P. Magruder (Liber 123, folio 127); (12) thence
with the line of Magruder north twenty-seven degrees fifty-nine
minutes fifty-four seconds east twenty-six and eight-tenths feet
to a concrete monument; (13) thence continuing with
Magruder south fifty-five degrees twenty minutes six seconds
east eight hundred ninety-one and eight-tenths feet to a con-
crete monument (being the south forty-nine degrees forty-eight
minutes east eight hundred ninety-two and one-tenth feet line
of Liber 123, folio 127); (14) thence continuing with the lines
of Magruder north sixty-four degrees seven minutes fifty-four
seconds east two hundred sixty-four and nine-tenths feet; (15)
south seventy-three degrees forty-six minutes six seconds east
four hundred ninety-eight and six-tenths feet; (16) north sixty
degrees twenty-one minutes fifty-four seconds east six hundred
sixty-four and five-tenths feet; (17) north nineteen degrees
forty-seven minutes six seconds west eleven hundred thirty
and two-tenths feet; (18) north eleven degrees forty-four min-
utes six seconds west one hundred thirteen and one-tenth feet
(being part of the north six degrees twelve minutes west eleven
hundred forty-seven feet line of Liber 123, folio 127); (19)
thence leaving the Magruder line and running with the south
line of Toombs (Liber J. W. B. 1, folio 488) north sixty-four


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Session Laws, 1937
Volume 412, Page 953   View pdf image (33K)
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