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Session Laws, 1937
Volume 412, Page 950   View pdf image (33K)
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and Washington Turnpike, commonly known as the Wash-
ington Road.

(c) Reservations as to cemetery or burying ground as set
out in Deed from Almira B. Mulloy to Laura M. Wright,
dated August 10, 1911, and recorded as aforesaid in Liber
No. 71, folio 283, together with the fifteen-foot roadway ad-
joining this lot on the north.

Lot No. 3. BEGINNING at a concrete monument set at the
intersection of the north edge of Sunnyside Road and the East
edge of the right-of-way of the Washington Railway and Elec-
tric Company (Columbia and Maryland Railway, Liber J. W.
B. 42, folio 53, etc. ) and running thence, on true bearings (1)
with the east edge of said right-of-way north twenty degrees
five minutes thirty-four seconds east four hundred fifty-four
and nine-tenths feet to a concrete monument; (2) thence south
sixty-four degrees thirty-six minutes eleven seconds east eight
hundred thirty and six-tenths feet to an original stone with a
cross-cut in it (being part of the north fifty-nine degrees fifty-
six minutes west fourteen hundred and six-tenths feet line of
Liber J. W. S. 18, folio 283); (3) thence south six degrees
twenty-nine minutes thirty-three seconds west four hundred
seventy-eight and eight-tenths feet to an original gray stone
monument set in the north edge of Sunnyside Road (being
the north ten degrees fifty-three minutes east four hundred
seventy-eight and eight-tenths foot line of Liber J. W. B. 18,
folio 283); (4) thence with the north edge of Sunnyside Road
north sixty-four degrees thirty-five minutes two seconds west
five hundred seventy-eight feet to an iron pipe marking a cor-
ner of the land conveyed by Fillmore Beall and wife to Wil-
liam J. Moffett by Deed dated November 4, 1925, and recorded
among the aforesaid Land Records in Liber S. 1). H. No. 245,
folio 180 (5) thence leaving Sunnyside Road and binding along
the first, second and third lines of said lot of ground conveyed
to William J. Moffett as aforesaid, north twenty degrees five
minutes thirty-four seconds east two hundred and ten feet to
a cedar stake; (6) thence north sixty-nine degrees fifty-four
minutes twenty-six seconds west one hundred and fifty-five
feet to a cedar stake; (7) thence south twenty degrees five
minutes thirtyfour seconds west one hundred ninety-five and
seven-tenths feet to the north edge of Sunnyside Road; (8)
thence with said north edge of Sunnyside Road north sixty-
four degrees thirty-five minutes two seconds west two hundred
and ten feet to the point of beginning, containing eight and
fifty-one one-hundredths acres, more or less.

Being a part of the lot of ground secondly described in the
Deed above referred to from H. Clifton Byrd and wife to the
State of Maryland, dated August 16, 1929, and recorded among


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Session Laws, 1937
Volume 412, Page 950   View pdf image (33K)
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