signed by the Clerk of Salisbury, or a facsimile of his signa-
ture shall be stamped thereon. Said bonds when signed and
attested as heretofore directed. shall be delivered to the Clerk
of Salisbury, and the bond of said Clerk of Salisbury shall be
responsible for the safekeeping of said bonds and the pro-
ceeds thereof. The Clerk of Salisbury shall sell said bonds
at public auction or by sealed bids, after giving at least two
weeks public notice thereof in one or more newspapers pub-
lished in the City of Salisbury, and in one or more newspapers
published in the City of Baltimore, under the supervision of
and at such times and in such amounts as the Mayor and Coun-
cil of Salisbury shall order, but no bonds shall be sold by
sealed bids, except at prices approved by the Mayor and Coun-
cil of Salisbury. The said Clerk of Salisbury shall deliver
said bonds so sold to the purchaser or purchasers thereof, and
receive the money therefor, including any premiums and ac-
crued interest thereon, and shall report under oath to the
Mayor and Council of Salisbury his proceedings in the prem-
ises as soon as possible after said sale, with the name or
names of the purchasers to whom said bonds have been sold
and delivered, together with the amount received on each bond
so sold, and said money, including said premiums and ac-
crued interest, if any, shall be immediately thereafter de-
posited by said Clerk in one or more account or accounts in
some bank or banks, trust company or trust companies
located in Wicomico County, said account or accounts to be
designated: "Clerk of Salisbury—Water and Sewer Fund",
and the funds so deposited shall be applied by the Clerk of
Salisbury only for the purposes specified in this Act, when-
ever he shall be directed so to do by the Mayor and Council
of Salisbury.
322. The Mayor and Council of Salisbury shall publish
annually in one or more newspapers published in the City
of Salisbury a full and true account of its receipts, expenses
and expenditures in connection with the construction, main-
tenance and operation of the water and sewer systems of the
City of Salisbury and prior to the publication thereof the
accounts of said Mayor and Council of Salisbury in connec-
tion therewith shall be audited by a public accountant, to be
employed by said Mayor and Council of Salisbury.
3'23. The Mayor and Council of Salisbury, in addition to
the powers already possessed by it, shall have the right and
power to acquire by gift, purchase, lease or condemnation
any land, improvements, rights of way, source of water sup-
ply, and stream bed, water way, water rights, water shed, or
any other property of any kind whatsoever, either in fee or as