Dollars as may have been expended by the Commissioners
of the said Town of Oxford for the repair and mainte-
nance of the road bed of the streets of said town; pro-
vided, that the sum of money so required to be paid to the
Commissioners of said town of Oxford shall not exceed in
any one year the sum actually used and expended by the said
Commissioners of Oxford upon the road bed of said streets;
and provided further that no money shall be paid hereunder
until and unless the Commissioners of the town of Oxford
shall, on or before December 31, of each year, file with the
Commissioners of Talbot County, an itemized statement with
vouchers, showing the actual amount of money so used and
expended by the Commissioners of the town of Oxford upon
the road bed of the streets of said town.
SEC. 2. And be it further enacted, That this Act shall take
effect from June 1, 1937.
Approved May 18, 1937.
AN ACT to add a new section to Article 10 of the 1929 Supple-
ment of Bagby's Annotated Code of Maryland, title "At-
torneys at Law and Attorneys in Fact", sub-title "Miscon-
duct of Attorneys—Negligence—Disbarment—Suspension",
said new section to be known as Section 12, and to follow
immediately after Section 11A of said Article, to provide
for the reinstatement of disbarred and suspended attorneys
under certain conditions.
SECTION 1. Be it enacted by the General Assembly of Mary-
land, That a new section be, and the same is hereby, added to
Article 10 of the 1929 Supplement of Bagby's Annotated Code
of Maryland, title "Attorneys at Law and Attorneys in Fact",
sub-title "Misconduct of Attorneys—Negligence—Disbarment
—Suspension", to be known as Section 12, to follow immedi-
ately after Section 11A of said Article, and to read as follows:
12. Any attorney heretofore or hereafter suspended or dis-
barred from the practice of his profession in this State because
of the conviction of any misdemeanor, who may have been or
may hereafter be pardoned for such misdemeanor by the Gov-
ernor of this State, shall, upon application to the Court which
issued the order of suspension or disbarment, be entitled to be
reinstated as a member of the Bar in good standing; provided