1935, be and it is hereby repealed and re-enacted with amend-
ments to read as follows:
The judges of the Circuit Court for Prince George's County,
be, and they are hereby authorized and directed to appoint a
stenographer for the Grand Jury of Prince George's County,
who, when not so engaged, shall be the official stenographer
for the State's Attorney for Prince George's County, and who
may be likewise subject to call by the Circuit Court of said
County for court service at such times as not in active service
of the Grand Jury or the State's Attorney. And said stenog-
rapher so appointed, shall be a sworn officer of said court,
shall hold office during the pleasure of the judges of said
court, and shall be paid a salary of twelve hundred dollars
($1, 200. 00) per annum, payable one hundred dollars ($100. 00)
monthly, which said sum shall be levied annually by the Coun-
ty Commissioners, and payable by the Treasurer of said Coun-
ty, as a part of the court expenses, upon the presentation of
a certificate of the clerk or any of the judges of said court
showing the attendance and services of said stenographer.
SEC. 2. And be it further enacted, That this Act shall take
effect June 1, 1937.
Approved May 18, 1937.
AN ACT to repeal and re-enact with amendments, Section 128
of Article 17 of the Code of Public Local Laws of Maryland
(1930 Edition), title "Prince George's County", sub-title
"Brentwood", relating to the power of the Mayor and Coun-
cil of Brentwood to levy a tax, to provide for an increase in
the tax rate from twenty cents (20c) on the One Hundred
Dollars ($100. 00) assessed valuation to twenty-five cents
(25c); providing that this section shall not take effect until
it shall be submitted to the qualified voters of said munici-
pality and approved by a majority of the persons voting
thereon; the referendum election to be held on the same day
that the next regular municipal election is held in the town
of Brentwood.
SECTION 1. Be it enacted by the General Assembly of Mary-
land, That Section 128 of Article 17 of the Code of Public Lo-
cal Laws of Maryland (1930 Edition), title "Prince George's
County", sub-title "Brentwood", be and the same is hereby re-
pealed and re-enacted with amendments so as to read as fol-