that may be dangerous to persons passing along or over any
of the said highways of the said town; to make reasonable
regulations in regard to buildings to be erected in said town
and to grant building permits for the same; to open and ex-
tend streets, to open alleys, to cause the water courses and
drains or sewers of said town to be kept in repair and cleaned;
to grant licenses for marketable commodities; to license pool
and billiard parlors, bowling alleys, shooting galleries and to
regulate the hours thereof; to regulate and provide for the
control of public grounds and the property of the town; to
establish and regulate a station house or lockup for the tempo-
rary confinement of the violators of the laws and ordinances
of the town, to suppress vagrancy and to prohibit the keeping
of bawdy houses or houses of ill-fame within the said cor-
porate limits, and to provide for the punishment of all per-
sons who shall knowingly keep or suffer to be kept in their
property any such houses; to regulate and provide for the
issuing of licenses or permits for all hawking, peddling or
vending of wares and merchandise of every description on the
streets or highways of the town, and to issue licenses or per-
mits to all itinerant persons who dispense medicine; to de-
mand a license from all players or showmen exhibiting within
the said town; and to license all business within the incor-
porated limits of Cresaptown.
They shall also have power to regulate the sanitary con-
ditions of the town and to establish a Board of Health for
the proper control of contagious diseases; they may provide
for the codification of all ordinances which may from time to
time be passed for the purposes of carrying out the foregoing
powers; and in order to enforce the observance of said ordi-
nances, in addition to the action of debt or such civil remedies
as may exist in such cases by law for the recovery of the
penalty thereto affixed, they may affix thereto such reasonable
fines not exceeding fifty dollars ($50. 00) in any one case as
to them may appear just and proper, and in default of pay-
ment of any fine so imposed, they may provide for imprison-
ment of the offender for a period not exceeding twenty days
in the county jail until said fine is paid.
SEC. 10. And be it further enacted, That the said Mayor and
Commissioners of Cresaptown shall have the power to levy
an equal tax within the corporate limits of said town, to
such an extent or amount each year not to exceed twenty-five
cents on each one hundred dollars worth of assessed valuation
as they may deem necessary for the government of said town.
This twenty-five cent tax may be raised to any amount not
at any time exceeding fifty cents on each one hundred dollars,
but such an increase must first be authorized by a vote of a