I,................................. do swear (or affirm)
that I will execute the office of Mayor (or Clerk or Commis-
sioner as the case may be) to the best of my ability, without
prejudice, fear, favor or partiality.
SEC. 6. And be it further enacted, That the Mayor of said
town shall preside at all meetings of the Mayor and Commis-
sioners of Cresaptown and. shall be entitled to a vote upon
any motion or question before them for decision, and he shall
execute all ordinances passed by them and he shall be ex
officio chairman of all committees appointed by them.
SEC. 7. And be it further enacted, That the Mayor and
Commissioners shall meet whenever called by the Mayor and
as often as the occasion may require for the welfare and good
government of said town, but not less than once a month.
The said Mayor and Commissioners shall define the duties
of the Clerk and allow him such compensation for his services
as they think proper and all ordinances passed by them shall
be entered by the Clerk in a book kept for that purpose and
copies of all ordinances passed by said Mayor and Commis-
sioners shall be posted in three (3) public places in said town
within thirty days (30) after their passage. The said Mayor
and Commissioners shall receive a salary of not exceeding
twelve dollars ($12. 00) per year, each.
SEC. 8. And be it further enacted, That the said Mayor and
Commissioners or a majority of them shall have full power and
authority annually at their first meeting on the 4th Monday in
June to appoint a treasurer and attorney, bailiff and any other
officers that they may deem necessary for the good govern-
ment of said town and allow them such compensation for their
services as they may deem necessary. The said treasurer, in
addition to the oath prescribed, shall give bond to the Mayor
and Commissioners of Cresaptown in the sum of two thousand
($2, 000) dollars for the faithful performance of his duties.
He also must own property of the assessed value of one thou-
sand dollars ($1, 000) within the town limits.
SEC. 9. And be it further enacted, That the Mayor and Com-
missioners of Cresaptown shall have power to pass all
ordinances necessary for the good government of said town;
to prevent, remove, and abate nuisances or obstructions in or
upon the streets, highways, lanes or alleys, drains or water
courses, or in or upon any lot or lots adjacent thereto, and
to provide for imposing a fine or fines upon any person or
persons causing or creating any such nuisance or obstruction;
to remove or cause to be removed houses or other structures