officer including the Chief of Police from the Police Depart-
ment for any offense against law or good morals, for neglect
of duty, inefficiency, physical or mental disability, or breach
of discipline, and it shall be the duty of the Chief of Police to
prefer charges in writing before the County Commissioners of
Anne Arundel County against any member of the Police De-
partment for any offense against law or good morals, for
neglect of duty, inefficiency, physical or mental disability or
breach of discipline. The County Commissioners may pun-
ish any officer including the Chief of Police, by fine, not ex-
ceeding Fifty Dollars ($50. 00), or by suspension, not ex-
ceeding one (1) month, or both fine and suspension; or they
may remove, discharge, or dismiss such officer, including the
Chief of Police, but only after written charges filed by the
Chief as aforesaid or by a member or members of the Board
of County Commissioners, or by five (5) taxpayers of Anne
Arundel County, and a hearing upon due notice to the officer
so charged, at which hearing the said officer shall have the op-
portunity to produce evidence in his defense, and be repre-
sented by counsel, and the decision of the County Commis-
sioners of Anne Arundel County upon such hearing shall be
final and subject to no appeal. The County Commissioners shall
cause to be kept in their office a minute book or books covering
the Anne Arundel County Police Department in which shall be
recorded a list of all applications and date of appointment of
all officers in the Department, together with any charges which
may be preferred against said officers, together with the dispo-
sition thereof, and a record of all fines, dismissals, condemna-
tions, public reprimands and all other proceedings concerning
the Police Department. The salary of each member of the
Police Department shall be not more than Fourteen Hundred
and Forty Dollars ($1, 440. 00) nor less than Twelve Hundred
Dollars ($1, 200. 00) per annum, payable in equal monthly in-
stallments, and no other fee or fees shall be paid to said mem-
bers of said Police Department.
406D. The County Commissioners of Anne Arundel County
are hereby authorized, empowered, and directed to purchase
equipment including motor vehicles, motorcycles with or with-
out sidecars, radio receiving and sending apparatus, both for
stationary use and for use in and about said motor vehicles,
in such number, together with such other police equipment,
as in the judgment of the said County Commissioners may
seem advisable for the use of said Anne Arundel County Po-
lice Department, and said County Commissioners may from
time to time sell, trade or otherwise dispose of said motor
vehicles, or motorcycles, or radio or other equipment and pur-
chase new vehicles and equipment; and all equipment, auto-