issued, authorized and adopted by said Commissioners for
their respective schools, said orders, vouchers, or warrants
specifying to whom and for what purpose the sum authorized
is paid, said orders, vouchers or warrants to be signed by the
Chairman and Secretaries of the respective Commissions for
which said order, voucher or warrant is issued, and counter-
signed by the Clerk of The County Commissioners of Dorches-
ter County, Maryland.
SEC- 8. And be it further enacted, That the said respective
Commissions may make contracts for the erecting, enlarging,
remodeling, improving, and equipping the Cambridge Semin-
ary, to be built upon the premises where the old Seminary is
now located, or to purchase a new site for said new Cam-
bridge Seminary, or to arrange for an exchange of land for a
new site for said new Cambridge bridge Seminary to be erected
thereon in their discretion, all subject to the approval of the
Board of Education of Dorchester County and the State
Superintendent of Schools, as provided by law, and for en-
larging, remodeling, improving and equipping the East Cam-
bridge school for white children, or to build and equip a new
East Cambridge school, and to erect and equip a new school
for colored children in Cambridge, and to purchase a site
therefor, if necessary, if said site is purchased it is to be
done subject to the approval of the Board of Education of
Dorchester County and the State Superintendent of Schools,
as aforesaid, and for the acquisition, improvement and main-
tenance of a public playground in the City of Cambridge, and
for enlarging, remodeling, improving and equipping the Secre-
tary school for white children, or to build and equip a new
Secretary school, and for improving and equipping the El-
dorado school for white children, and for improving and
equipping the Hudson school for white children, and for en-
larging and equipping the Crapo High School for white chil-
dren, and for improving and equipping the Hoopers Island
High School for white children, and to erect and equip a new
school for colored children at Reids Grove, consisting of one
room, and to purchase a site therefor, if necessary, if said site
is purchased it is to be done subject to the approval of the
Board of Education of Dorchester County and the State
Superintendent of Schools, as aforesaid, and for improving
various schools in Dorchester County for children, for
which its Commission is acting, provided that all such
plans and contracts shall have the approval of the Board of
Education of Dorchester County, and subject to the approval
of the State Superintendent of Schools as provided by law,
and subject to the approval of The County Commissioners of
Dorchester County, Maryland, and said contracts and plans