known as the "Dorchester County School Bonds of 1937" fund,
for the following purposes:
(a) Any part thereof, but not exceeding Eighty-two Thou-
sand Five Hundred Dollars ($82, 500. 00), or the proportionate
part thereof if all the bonds are not sold, to be used and ex-
pended in the discretion of, and under the supervision and di-
rection of the Commissioners composing the "School Building
Commission of Cambridge for Schools for White and Colored
Children", for the purpose of erecting a new Cambridge Sem-
inary and equipping same, to be built upon the premises where
the old Seminary is now located, or to purchase a new site for
said new Cambridge Seminary, or to arrange for an exchange
of land for a new site for said new Cambridge Seminary, to be
erected thereon in their discretion, all subject to the approval
of the Board of Education of Dorchester County and the State
Superintendent of Schools, as provided by law.
(b) Any part thereof, but not exceeding Twenty-four Thou-
sand Two Hundred Dollars ($24, 200. 00), or the proportionate
part thereof if all the bonds are not sold, to be used and ex-
pended in the discretion of, and under the supervision and di-
rection of the Commissioners composing the "School Building
Commission of Cambridge for Schools for White and Colored
Children", for the purpose of enlarging, remodeling, improv-
ing and equipping the East Cambridge school for white chil-
dren, or to build and equip a new East Cambridge school, in
their discretion.
(c) Any part thereof, but not exceeding Thirteen Thousand
Seven Hundred and Fifty Dollars ($13, 750. 00), or the propor-
tionate part thereof if all the bonds are not sold, to be used
and expended in the discretion of, and under the supervision
and direction of the Commissioners composing the "School
Building Commission of Cambridge for Schools for White and
Colored Children", for the purpose of erecting and equipping a
new school for colored children in Cambridge, and to purchase
a site therefor, if necessary, if said site is purchased it is to be
done subject to the approval of the Board of Education of
Dorchester County and the State Superintendent of Schools,
as aforesaid.
(d) Any part thereof, but not exceeding Twenty-seven Hun-
dred and Fifty Dollars ($2750. 00), or the proportionate part
thereof if all the bonds are not sold, to be used and extended
in the discretion of, and under the supervision and direction of
the Commissioners composing the "School Building Commis-
sion of Cambridge for Schools for White and Colored Chil-
dren", for the purpose of acquiring, improving and maintain-
ing a public playground in the City of Cambridge.
(e) Any part thereof, but not exceeding Eleven Thousand
Dollars ($11, 000. )), or the proportionate part thereof if all