deed dated June 18th, 1941, and recorded among the Land
Records of Baltimore County in Liber C. W. B., Jr., 1165, folio
208, was granted and conveyed by John E. Miller and Marion
E. Miller, his wife, unto the Vestry of St. John's Church,
Huntingdon, Baltimore County.
96. To acquisition of ground rent or reversion of $78.00
issuing and payable out of 2809 Onyx Road, as described in a
deed dated June 18, 1941, and recorded among the Land Rec-
ords of Baltimore County in Liber C. W. B., Jr., 1165, folio
208, was granted and conveyed by John E. Miller and Marion
E. Miller, his wife, unto the Vestry of St. John's Church,
Huntington, Baltimore County.
97. To acquisition of ground rent or reversion of $72.00
issuing and payable out of 3302 Willoughby Eoad, as de-
scribed in a deed dated May 26, 7942, and recorded among the
Land Records of Baltimore County in Liber C. H. K. 1232,
folio 235, was granted and conveyed by Charles S. Joyce, Jr.,
and Jeannette H. Joyce, his wife, to the Vestry of St. John's
Church, Huntingdon, Baltimore County.
98. To acquisition of ground rent or reversion of $84.00
issuing and payable out of 2800 Onyx Road, as described in a
deed dated November 4, 1941, and recorded among the Land
Records of Baltimore County in Liber C. H. K. 1192, folio 339,
was granted and conveyed by John G. Schlipp, Trustee, unto
the Vestry of St. John's Church, Huntingdon, Baltimore
99. To acquisition of ground rent or reversion of $78.00
issuing and payable out of 1531 North Smallwood Street, as
described in a deed dated September 14, 1944, and recorded
among the Land Records of Baltimore City in Liber M. L. P.
6646, folio 263, was granted and conveyed by Annie Kosnesky,
widow, and Edith Davis, widow, unto the Vestry of St. John's
Church, Huntington, Baltimore County.
100. To the grant and deed executed by The Title Holding
Company to Methodist Preachers' Aid Society of Baltimore,
dated May 3, 1940, and duly recorded among the Land Records
of Baltimore City in Liber M. L. P. 6029, folio 454, conveying
the reversions and annual ground rents of $87.00 each, issuing
and payable out of properties Nos. 963, 965 and 973 North Hill
Road, in Baltimore City, and more particularly described in
said deed; and also the sanction and consent of the General
Assembly of Maryland to the holding and disposal of said
properties by the Methodist Preachers' Aid Society of Balti-