Town to meet the cost of semi-permanent road improvements
authorized by this Act and may issue therefor certificates of
indebtedness of the Town or promissory notes for the obliga-
tion at an interest rate not exceeding six percent per annum.
Provided, however, that at no time shall the borrowing auth-
orized by this Act or any other Act relating to street improve-
ments exceed eight percent of the assessed value of the real
property in the Town of Riverdale. Funds borrowed hereunder
shall be used exclusively for the purpose authorized by this
Act and shall be separately accounted for by the Town Treas-
urer, who shall be allowed a commission for his services not
to exceed two percent of the amount assessed against the
abutting property for the improvement.
(g) The assessment levied under this Act shall constitute a
lien against the property against which the assessment is made,
and such assessment or any installment thereof shall be subject
to the same penalties now provided by law for the non-payment
of assessments for permanent street improvements within the
Town of Riverdale, and the procedure for the enforcement of
collection thereof, including sale of the property for non-
payment applicable to the collection of taxes due the Town of
Riverdale, shall apply to all assessments made hereunder.
(h) The making of any assessment against abutting prop-
erty authorized under this Act for semi-permanent road im-
provements shall not be a bar to the filing of subsequent
petitions for semi-permanent improvements or the assessment
of costs' therefor against the same properties when petitioned
for, and authorized by the Mayor and Common Council, as
herein provided, until such time as a permanent street im-
provement shall be made on such road in the manner provided
for the making of permanent street improvements in the Town
of Riverdale.
(i) The term "road" or "roadway" as used herein shall be
construed to mean that portion of any public way devoted to
vehicular traffic, and shall not be deemed to include perma-
mently improved streets, sidewalks, and curbing.
SEC. 2. And be it further enacted, That this Act shall
not become effective until it shall have been submitted to the
qualified voters of the Town of Riverdale, in Prince George's
County, at the next regular municipal election, or at a special
election to be held on such date as shall be determined by the
Mayor and Common Council of said Town. There shall be
printed on the ballots to be used at said election, the title
of this Act and underneath said title on separate lines, a
square or box to the right of and opposite the words "For