equip and operate said fire department for the ensuing year;
said tax to be determined, levied, collected and paid over
in the following manner: at least thirty days before the tax
levying period of each year the said Silver Spring Volun-
teer Fire Department, Inc., shall determine the amount
necessary to be raised for the ensuing year to maintain,
equip and operate said fire department, and shall thereupon
certify the same to the County Commissioners of Montgom-
ery County, who, in their next annual levy, shall levy said
tax on all property assessed for County tax purposes within
said area at a rate not exceeding Ten Cents on each
One Hundred Dollars ($100.00) of the assessed value of said
property to produce an amount that may appear to them as
sufficient for the said purposes, provided that the said County
Commissioners shall not levy said tax at a rate which would
produce less than the amount so certified by the Silver
Spring Volunteer Fire Department, Inc., as necessary to
maintain, equip and operate said fire department, without
a previous public hearing to determine the necessity of any
proposed reduction of the amount so certified by the said
fire department. The said tax shall be levied and shall be
collected as County taxes are now or may be hereafter levied
and collected and have the same priority rights, bear the
same interest and penalties and in every respect be treated
the same as County taxes. The taxes so levied for the en-
suing year shall be collected by the tax collecting authori-
ties of said County and they shall remit the whole amount
of the taxes so collected to the treasurer of the said Silver
Spring Volunteer Fire Department, Inc., upon the treasurer
giving a corporate bond to said County Commissioners to be
approved by the Judge of the Circuit Court for said County
in terms and a penal sum to be fixed by the Board of County
Commissioners and from the amounts so received the said
treasurer, upon authorization by said Silver Spring Volun-
teer Fire Department, Inc., shall pay all proper costs, ex-
penses, claims, and demands necessary for the maintenance,
equipment and operation of said fire department, and shall
upon demand of the County Commissioners of said County
make a report to said Commissioners of such expenditures.
1038. The boundaries of the fire taxing area as defined
by Section 1037 are hereby extended to include the follow-
ing area:
Beginning at a point being the intersection of the center
line of the Colesville Pike with the center line of Old
Bladensburg Road; thence northeasterly along the center
line of the Coalesville Pike to the intersection of said center