sioners in the case of the Superintendent. Each applicant
must pass a mental and physical examination and no person
shall be appointed who has not successfully passed such
examinations, but applicants who are members of the exist-
ing police force shall not be required to pass the physical
examination. The Police Commissioners shall prescribe the
manner and method of conducting the mental examinations,
which shall be public and intended to test the qualifications
of each applicant including, among other things, his educa-
tion, his experience ' and his mental adaptability. Public
notice of such examinations shall be given by the Police
Commissioners by such advertisement as they may prescribe,
which advertisement shall include the last day on which
applications will be received for such examination. In the
case of the initial appointments to be made to the Police
Force, the Police Commissioners may, in their discretion,
waive the age limit and the necessity of the mental examina-
tion as to the members of the existing Police Force in Prince
George's County who may be applicants for appointment to
the force hereby created. Each newly appointed officer shall
serve a probationary period of one (1) year during which
time he may be dropped from the rolls at any time in the
discretion of the Police Commissioners. After said period
all other officers, except probationary officers, shall hold their
positions pending good behavior and physical and mental
qualification therefor. The Superintendent of Police and all
other officers shall be subject to removal for cause after hear-
ing at any time by the Police Commissioners. The Superin-
tendent of Police may suspend, with or without pay, fine, or
otherwise discipline any of said police officers provided that
such officers shall have a right of appeal to the Police Commis-
sioners. The Police Commissioners when sitting as a trial
court or as a court of appeal, as above provided, shall have
power to administer oaths and to subpoena witnesses and
records material to the subject matter of the hearing.
The Police Commissioners may, as circumstances and the.
public welfare require, establish from the members of the
Prince George's County Police Force a Detective Bureau,
composed of such members of the force as the Police Com-
missioners may designate, the numbers so designated to re-
ceive an annual salary of Two Thousand Eight Hundred and
Fifty Dollars ($2,850.00) per year; and thereupon from among
the members of the Police Force the Police Commissioner shall
designate one additional member of the force as "Lieutenant"
and one additional member as "Detective Sergeant", who
shall thereupon be entitled to the pay, allowances, duties,
power and incidents of men of the respective ranks, as now
provided by law and regulation. The Indentification Officer of