George's County (Flack's Edition, 1943), as enacted by
Chapter 50, Section 3 of the Acts of 1937, Chapter 542, Sec-
tions 2 and 3 of the Acts of 1939, Chapter 475 of the Acts
of 1941, and Chapter 611, Sections 2 and 3 of the Acts of
1945, be, and the same is hereby, repealed and re-enacted,
with amendments, to read as follows:
410. The Police Commissioners are hereby authorized,
empowered and directed to appoint a number, not to exceed
33, of police officers for Prince George's County, one of whom
shall have full control and supervision, except as otherwise
provided in this sub-title, over the members of said police
force and shall be designated as "Superintendent" of Prince
George's County Police; three of whom shall be designated as
"Lieutenants" of the Prince George's County Police Force, and
four of whom shall be designated as "Sergeants" of the Prince
George's County Police and five of them shall be designated as
"Corporals" of the Prince George's Police Force; such Cor-
porals shall be designated by the Police Commissioners upon
recommendation of the Superintendent of Police, and shall be
subject in all respects to the provisions of this sub-title with re-
spect to police officers in general. In addition thereto, the Police
Commissioners shall appoint a Desk Clerk for the County
Police, who shall not, however, be a policeman, but who shall
keep the police records at the sub-station in the upper portion
of the county and perform such other duties as may be as-
signed him by the Superintendent of Police. In case it may
be found by the Police Commissioners that it is impossible
or inadvisable for the police records at police headquarters
to be kept by the Clerk of the Police Court, as now provided,
then and in that event, the Police Commissioners are author-
ized , to appoint six additional Desk Clerks for the
keeping of such records and the performance of such other
duties as may be assigned them by the Superintendent of
Police, such additional clerks, however, not to be policemen.
All applications for appointment to the Police Force shall
be made upon printed blanks to be furnished by the Police
Commissioners, wherein the applicant shall state, under
oath, his full name and age, his residence, the election dis-
trict in which he is a qualified voter, the place and state
of his birth, his occupation for two years preceding his
application and such other information as the Police Com-
missioners may require concerning his merits and fitness.
No person shall be appointed on the Police Force of Prince
George's County who is not a resident and qualified voter
of the county, or who is less than twenty-one (21) years of
age, or more than forty-five (45) years of age, except that
these requirements may be waived by the Police Commis-