person shall vote in any such municipal election whose name
shall not be so certified; provided, however, that this section
and the next preceding section shall not apply to special
elections held under the provisions of Section 1106 (G) of
this Charter. The residents of said City whose names shall
be so certified, are hereby designated as the "voters" of the
City, and by that designation are hereinafter named in this
Act, and they shall on the first Monday in May, 1948, elect
seven persons not less than twenty-five years of age as Coun-
cilmen, and one person at least thirty years of age as Mayor,
all of whom shall have resided in said City at least one year
previous to their election and be voters of the City and prop-
erty owners therein. The Mayor and the Councilmen shall
serve for two years, beginning with the first Monday in June
ensuing after their election, or until their successors are duly
Beginning with the election to be held on the first Monday
in May, 1948, and every second year thereafter, the Mayor
and Councilmen shall be elected at large; two Councilmen
shall be elected from within the boundaries of the Fourth
and Twentieth Precincts of the Thirteenth Election District
of Montgomery County within the City; two Councilmen
shall be elected from within the boundaries of the Sixth and
Twenty-first Precincts of the Thirteenth Election District of
Montgomery County within the City; one Councilman shall
be elected from within the boundaries of the Ninth and
Twenty-second Precincts of the Thirteenth Election District
of Montgomery County within the City; and two Councilmen
shall be elected from within the boundaries of the Fourth
Precinct of the Chillum Election District of Prince George's
County within the City.
The Council, by ordinance, shall provide for said elections;
shall designate in said ordinance a convenient polling place;
shall appoint Judges and Clerks of Election; provide the
official ballots; and conduct said elections in accordance with
the provisions of Sub-sections C, D, E, F and G of this section.
For purpose of convenience in voting in City elections, the
judges and clerks of election shall enter in alphabetical
order on cards which the Council shall provide, the names,
addresses, and election precincts of all persons whose names
shall appear on the lists certified by the boards of election
supervisors under the provisions of the next succeeding sec-
tion. The candidate receiving the largest number of votes for
Mayor shall be declared elected. The candidate receiving
the largest and the candidate receiving the next largest
number of votes for Councilmen from the Fourth and Twen-
tieth Precincts of the Thirteenth Election District of Mont-