SEC. 12. And be it further enacted, That the Town Com-
missioners are empowered to impose fines and forfeitures for
the breach of all such rules, regulations, by-laws and ordi-
nances as may be passed by them in accordance with this
charter, which shall be recovered by and in the name of the
commissioners in the same manner, and with the same costs
prescribed for the recovery of small debts before a Justice of
the Peace; provided, that no penalty, fine or forfeiture shall
exceed the sum of five dollars.
SEC. 13 And be it further enacted, That the clerk to the
Commissioners, before entering upon the duties of his office,
shall make oath before the Commissioners, or a justice of the
peace, that he will faithfully perform his duties.
SEC. 14. And be it further enacted. That the Commission-
ers of Grasonville shall require and take a good bond from
each bailiff, in such penalty as they shall think sufficient; and
each bailiff shall make oath before the commissioners, or a
justice of the peace, that he will faithfully and impartially
perform all the duties of his office, according to the best of
his skill and judgment.
SEC. 15. And be it further enacted, That the Commission-
ers are also empowered to hear all grievances and complaints,
and they shall have the power to remit any fine or penalty
imposed under any ordinance of the corporation, except in
cases tried before a justice of the peace, in which case the
right of appeal to the circuit court for the county shall be the
proper remedy.
SEC. 16. And be it further enacted, That in case of con-
demnation of any land or parcel of ground, they shall in all
cases be governed by the laws, rules and regulations now
made and used by the county commissioners in case of con-
demnation of land for opening and making roads or closing
SEC. 17. And be it further enacted, That the treasurer to
the board of commissioners shall give bond in the sum of Two
Thousand Dollars, with two sureties, and shall pay out no
moneys except upon the warrant of the president of the board
of commissioners, attested by the clerk, and the seal of the
corporation affixed thereon.
SEC. 18. And be it further enacted, That he shall make a
full report of all moneys received and paid out by him every
three months, and surrender the funds, books, vouchers and
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