bond, or by disqualification, or removal from the town of any
Town Clerk appointed under this Act, or by removal or dis-
missal of said Town Clerk by the said Commissioners of Gra-
sonville, the said Commissioners shall appoint a person to be
Town Clerk for the remainder of the official term, and the
Town Clerk so appointed to fill the said vacancy or unexpired
term caused by any of the aforesaid causes shall have all of the
powers and authority of the Town Clerk he succeeds, and may
complete the duties of said preceding Town Clerk as fully as if
said Town Clerk could have done had he completed the term for
which he was appointed. All books, papers and documents be-
longing to the office of Town Clerk are the property of said
town of Grasonville and at all times subject to examination
by said Town Commissioners or any of them.
SEC. 8. And be it further enacted, That they shall annually
make out, and publish, in at least two newspapers published in
said town, a full, accurate and complete statement of all
moneys expended by them specifying the particular amount, to
whom paid, and on what account, which said statement shall be
sworn to by said commissioners before some justice of the
peace of said town.
SEC. 9. And be it further enacted, That they shall have full
power and authority to order, direct and provide for the grad-
ing, regulating, paving and repairing of the gutters and side-
walks hereinafter referred to within the corporate limits of the
town, and to enforce their orders and enactments in regard
thereto by the imposition of fines and penalties.
SEC. 10. And be it further enacted, That the said Munici-
pal Corporation, the Commissioners of Grasonville, is hereby
authorized and directed to assume full power and control over
the Grasonville Cemetery in and near the town of Grasonville,
Queen Anne's County, State of Maryland, and it is further di-
rected and empowered to pass all rules and regulations in ref-
erence to said cemetery as it now stands or any additions
SEC. 11. And be it further enacted, That the Commission-
ers of Grasonville are empoyered to pass all such by-laws and
ordinances as may, seem to them necessary for the good gov-
ernment of the town, and may remove all nuisances and ob-
structions in the streets at the expense of the parties who wil-
fully commit such nuisances, or create such obstructions after
having first duly notified them to remove the same; all such
nuisances and obstructions as naturally accumulate in streets,
shall be removed at the expense of the corporation.