all other documents in his possession belonging or pertaining
to the corporation of Grasonville, within one week after the
expiration of his term as treasurer, to the commissioners or
his successor, under a penalty of five dollars.
SEC. 19. And be it further enacted, That The Commis-
sioners of Grasonville shall be fully authorized and empow-
ered to install and maintain a Lighting System within the
corporate limits of the town of Grasonvill% The said Com-
missioners shall also be fully authorized and empowered to
install and maintain sidewalks in the town; the said lighting
system and sidewalks shall be for the use and benefit of the
inhabitants and residents of the town of Grasonville. The
Commissioners shall furthermore be fully authorized and em-
powered to make improvements ordinarily incident to the
functioning of a municipality but no major improvements are
to be undertaken by the said commissioners without the two-
thirds vote of the people of Grasonville entitled to vote in any
town election.
SEC. 20. And be it further enacted, That in addition to the
powers conferred upon the Commissioners of Grasonville, by
laws heretofore passed, the said commissioners shall have
power to contract with any firm, corporation, individual or
group of individuals for such period of time as the Commis-
sioners of Grasonville may by ordinance provide for the in-
troduction into the town of Grasonville of electric wires or
conduits, electric power poles for the purpose of supplying
electricity for the use of the residents of the town of Grason-
ville, or to light the streets, lanes and alleys of the said town
and by ordinance to grant franchises to any such firm, cor-
porations, individuals or group of individuals, to string wires,
place conduits and erect electric power poles for the purpose
of supplying said Town and the residents thereof electricity;
as well as to contract with any firm, corporation, individual
or group of individuals for such period of time as the Com-
sioners of Grasonville may by ordinance provide for the in-
troduction into the town of Grasonville for the laying of side-
walks for the use of the residents of the said town and by
ordinance to grant franchises or contracts to any such firm,
corporations, individuals or group of individuals to lay the
sidewalks; and the ordinance, ordinances or contracts grant-
ing such franchise or franchises shall specifically set out. the
nature, right or character of the same, and no power or right
not expressed in the franchise or grant shall pass thereunder.
SEC. 21. And be it further enacted, That the Commis-
sioners of Grasonville shall have power to levy on or before
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