1994 LAWS OF MARYLAND. [CH. 811)
mediately upon their said election and that no-town commis-
sioner shall be allowed to succeed himself in office. The afore-
mentioned town commissioners and all others to be subse-
quently elected shall serve without compensation.
The first election under this law shall be held under the
supervision and control of the judges of election of whom the
chief judge shall be a resident Justice of the Peace of sajd
town, with two qualified residents and voters of said town to
be appoined by said Justice of the Peace as associate judges,
all of whom shall take and subscribe an oath to fairly and im-
partially discharge the duties of said office, and all succeeding
elections under the supervision and control of three judges to
be chosen and appointed by the commissioners of said town.
Arnold B. South, Irvin O. Drummer and Royden N. Curlett
shall act as town commissioners until their successors are duly
elected and qualified.
SEC. 4. And be it further enacted, That if any of said Town
Commissioners so elected shall refuse or neglect to qualify, or
die, or remove out of said town, or become otherwise disquali-
fied, his place shall be filled for the residue of the term by the
selection of some one possessing the qualifications for Town
Commissioner aforesaid by the remaining Town Commission-
ers, shall qualify by taking oath aforesaid before some
justice of the peace of said county residing in said town, a cer-
tificate of which oath shall be duly filed and recorded among
the minutes of said Town Commissioners.
SEC. 5. And be it further enacted, That following the election
of the aforementioned officers of the Commissioners of Grason-
ville they shall meet thereafter on the first and third Monday of
every month and as much oftener as they may think proper;
not less than a majority shall constitute a board for the trans-
action of any business except an adjournment.
SEC. 6. And lie it further enacted, That the Commissioners of
Grasonville, after having duly qualified, shall assemble at some
place within thirty days after their election, of which meeting
public notice shall be given by them; and at said meeting they
shall elect a president, treasurer and clerk, authority being
hereby granted to them to appoint some one as clerk who is
not a member of said board of commissioners; and they shall
also appoint a bailiff or bailiffs, and prescribe the duties of
bailiff or bailiffs and clerk, and fix their salary, and they may
discharge or dismiss them at their pleasure.
SEC. 7. And be it further enacted, That in case of a vacancy by
death, resignation, refusal to serve or neglect to qualify, or give