(C) (Allocation of Duties.) The said Commissioners shall
appoint one of their number as President, and one of their
number as Secretary, and the same or another as Treasurer.
(D) (Powers and Duties of the President.) The President
of the Commissioners shall be the executive officer of the Town
of Hebron, clothed with all of the power necessary to secure
the enforcement of all ordinances passed by the Commis-
sioners under this Charter. He may call the Commissioners
in special session when he is of the opinion that the public
good may require.
(E) (Powers and Duties of the Secretary.) The Secretary
shall keep the minutes of the Commissioners in a well-bound
book, which book shall be open to the inspection of anyone
interested. He shall maintain a complete and well indexed
file of the ordinances of the Commissioners passed from time
to time, and of such correspondence and other records as shall
be deemed desirable by the Commissioners.
(F) (Powers and Duties of the Treasurer.) The Treasurer
shall give such bond as the Commissioners may deem proper.
He shall receive all moneys due the town, and he shall pay out
such monies only on the orders of the Commissioners, which
order shall be recorded on their minutes.
(G) (Vacancies Among.) Should a vacancy occur among
the Commissioners during the term of their office, the remain-
ing Commissioners shall have the power to fill the vacancy,
and the new Commissioner so appointed shall hold office until
the next regular or special election.
(H) (Quorum.) Three Commissioners shall constitute a
quorum for the transaction of business.
94E. (Bailiffs — Appointment, Duties and Compensation
of.) The Commissioners shall immediately after taking office,
appoint a Bailiff, and from time to time such under-bailiffs
as may be needed to preserve the peace and order of the town.
The Bailiff shall attend all meetings of the Commissioners,
shall execute all orders of the said Commissioners, shall make
all collections of moneys due the said town, including taxes,
special assessments or charges for municipal services rendered,
and shall perform such other duties as the Commissioners
may assign him. Not less frequently than once a month,
the Bailiff shall account to and pay over to the Treasurer or
deposit with any authorized depositary all moneys collected
or received by him and belonging to. the said town. The Bailiff,
and such under-bailiffs as may from time to time be appointed,
shall preserve the peace and good order of the town and they