The violation of any of the provisions of such ordinance or
ordinances shall be considered a misdemeanor, and upon con-
viction thereof before a trial magistrate of said County, or
other competent court, the offender shall be subject to a fine
of not exceeding $25.00 for each offense and in default of
payment of the fine, to imprisonment for not exceeding 25
SEC. 2. And be it further enacted, That this Act shall take
effect June 1, 1947.
Approved April 25, 1947.
(House Bill 214)
AN ACT to repeal Section 887 to 893, inclusive, of the Bal-
timore City Charter and Code of Public Local Laws (1938
Edition), title "Baltimore City", sub-title "Police Exam-
iners", (Section 891 having been repealed and re-enacted
by Chapter 639 of the Acts of 1945) and to repeal said
sub-title; and to enact in lieu thereof a new sub-title to
be known as "Appointment and Probation", and to enact
in lieu of the repealed sections seven new sections to be
known as Sections 887 to 893, inclusive, creating a Per-
sonnel Division for the Police Department of Baltimore
City and prescribing its powers and duties and those of
the Chief Personnel Officer of said Division and Depart-
ment, and transferring the functions of the Board of Police
Examiners to the Personnel Division and the Chief Per-
sonnel Officer and to an appointing authority as defined in
this Act, and prescribing methods and standards for the
appointment and promotion of certain members of the
Police Department of Baltimore City.
SECTION 1. Be it enacted by the General Assembly of Mary-
land, That Section 887 to 893, inclusive, of the Baltimore
City Charter and the Code of Public Local Laws (1938 Edi-
tion), title "Baltimore City", sub-title "Police Examiners",
be and they are hereby repealed and that in lieu of said
sections so repealed there be and are hereby enacted
seven new sections, to be known as Sections 887 to 893, in-
clusive, and the said new sections be and they are hereby
added to said Charter and Public Local Laws, title "Balti-
more City", to read as follows: