478. (Student Practice Upon the Public for Pay Pro-
hibited.) It shall be unlawful for any school of beauty cul-
ture to permit its students to practice beauty culture upon
the public, under any circumstances, except by way of
clinical work upon persons willing to submit themselves to
such practice after having first been properly informed that
the operator is a student and after the student has completed
500 hours of fundamental training. No school of beauty cul-
ture shall, directly or indirectly, charge any money whatso-
ever for treatment by its students and may charge only for
the actual cost of materials used in such treatments but no
charge shall be made for service supplies.
483. (Compensation of Board and Employees.) Each mem-
ber of said Board shall receive Fifteen Dollars ($15.00) for
each day employed in the actual discharge of his or her official
duties, not to exceed in any one year the sum of Fifteen Hun-
dred Dollars ($1,500.00) for any member of the Board, and his
or her necessary expenses so incurred. There shall at all times
be available for consultation at least one member of the Board.
The compensation and expenses of the members and officers
of said Board, and all expenses, including office help and
professional advice, and services which, in the opinion of
said Board, are proper and necessary to discharge its duties
and to enforce the law, shall be paid out of such fund upon
the approval of the Chairman of said Board. The salaraies
shall be paid by the Board at the rate per diem of actual
service herein provided and traveling expenses may be
allowed in the discretion of the Board not exceeding six
cents per mile. Said Board may also employ a chief in-
spector to assist the Board in the discharge of its duties, and
two assistants. The annual salary of the chief inspector shall
not exceed $2,100.00 per year and the salaries of the assistant
inspectors shall be at the rate of Seven Dollars ($7.00) per
day for each day employed and be payable out of the funds
of the Board.
489. (Sanitary and Safety Rules.) The Board shall pre-
scribe such sanitary and safety rules as it may deem neces-
sary, with particular reference to the precautions necessary
to be employed to prevent the creating and spreading of in-
fectious and contagious diseases. It shall be unlawful for
the owner or manager of any beauty shop or school of beauty
culture to permit any person to sleep in or use for residen-
tial purposes any room used wholly or in part as a beauty
shop or school of beauty culture. Inspection of beauty shop
and schools of beauty culture shall be made at least once
each month. Inspectors shall be permitted, upon presentation