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Session Laws, 1947
Volume 411, Page 1741   View pdf image (33K)
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or turnkey appointed by him; and the said Police Commis-
sioner shall pay to such officers of police, policeman, de-
tective, clerk or turnkey so retired, in monthly instalments,
out of said fund, for life, a sum of money equal to one-half
the amount of money currently paid monthly to an officer
of police, policeman, detective, clerk or turnkey, as provided
by law; provided, however, he shall have served faithfully
not less than sixteen years as such officer of police, police-
man, detective, clerk or turnkey, or shall have been perma-
nently disabled in the discharge of his duty as such officer
of police, policeman, detective, clerk or turnkey. Provided,
however, that no officer of police, policeman, detective, clerk
or turnkey appointd after June 1, 1943, shall be retired
until he shall have served not less than twenty years or shall
have been permanently disabled in the discharge of his duties.
Provided further, that on and after June 1, 1947, any em-
ployee of the Police Department, who is a member of the
special fund of said department, may, on his own application,
be retired at the age of sixty (60) without the necessity of a
physical examination, provided he has served a minimum of
thirty (30) years, and shall be retired upon reaching the age of
seventy (70). In the event at any time of an increase in
the pay of officers of police, policeman, detective, clerk
or turnkey, every officer of police, policeman, detective, clerk
or turnkey, who shall have been or shall subsequently be
retired by the said Police Commissioner shall be entitled to
and the said Police Commissioner shall pay to him in the
manner and at and for the length of time provided in this;
section for the pay of the members of the police force who
shall be retired or shall have been retired, a sum equal to
one-half of the remuneration of the active members of the
Police Department holding the same rank or grade at the
time of their retirement, to the end and effect that every retired
officer of police, policeman, etc., shall receive the same remuner-
ation as every other retired officer of police, policeman, etc., of
like grade or rank, and no less. The provisions of this section
shall extend to and include all members of the police force
of Baltimore City heretofore retired by the said Police Com-
missioner, including those members retired prior to January
1st, 1907, and the said Police Commissioner shall in all cases
before retiring any officer of police, policeman, detective,
clerk or turnkey, procure and tile among their records a certi-
ficate signed by a majority of the physicians appointed by
the Police Commissioner as physicians of the Police Depart-
ment, that the person proposed to be retired has been thor-
oughly examined by them, and that he is incapable of per-
forming active police duty; and it shall be the duty of any
such officer of police, policeman, detective, clerk or turnkey


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Session Laws, 1947
Volume 411, Page 1741   View pdf image (33K)
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