Bushel and a Half Tub—Eighteen inches across the bottom,
nineteen inches across the top and twenty-four inches diagon-
ally from the inside chime to the top; and
Three Bushel Tub—Twenty-two inches across the bottom,
twenty-four inches across the top and twenty-nine and twenty-
six hundredths inches diagonally from the inside chime to
the top.
All oysters measured in the shell as herein required shall
be even measure to the top of the tub only.
11. (f) Closed Area Taxes. Any area which has been
closed and on which the Department of Tidewater Fisheries
has planted seed oysters or any area in the Chesapeake Bay
dredging territory on which said Department has planted
either oysters, shell, or other cultch shall, upon reopening, have
a special tax levied against all oysters caught upon such area.
Said special tax shall be for the purpose of recovering the ex-
penses of planting said area and shall be at the rate of not
less than ten cents (10c) per bushel nor more than twenty
cents (20c) per bushel, said tax to be in addition to any other
tax imposed by law, and to be paid to the Department of Tide-
water Fisheries by the buyer at the place where such oysters
are to be no farther shipped in bulk in vessels; provided, how-
ever, no such special tax shall be imposed upon oysters caught
on any area unless the Department of Tidewater Fisheries
shall have planted shells, oysters, or other cultch thereon as
herein provided.
Upon the opening of any reserved area, any buyboat or any
person licensed to take or catch oysters in the Chesapeake
Bay may resort to any such area for the purpose of taking
oysters or for the purpose of buying oysters taken during
the period when such area is open; provided, however, that
any such person who takes or catches oysters from any such
reserved area or any person who resorts to any reserved area
for the purpose of buying oysters, shall each day. before
leaving such reserved area, procure a certificate from an
officer of the Department of Tidewater Fisheries in charge
of the area showing the date, the quantity of oysters removed
from the reserved area and the taxes due on such oysters.
11. (i) Taking or Catching Oysters in Closed Areas. It
shall be unlawful to take, scrape or tong for oysters upon any
area which has been closed by any rule or regulation of the
Department of Tidewater Fisheries.
13. (c) Permit and Inspection Tax on Exported Oysters.
A separate permit shall be obtained for shipping each cargo,