dredge in the Chesapeake Bay may be used or employed in
the Chesapeake Bay as defined in this Article except in the
following waters: That area bounded by a line drawn from
Bloody Point Lighthouse near Kent Point to the northern
end of Poplar Island; thence southerly around the westerly
shore of Poplar Island to the southwesterly most point;
thence running in a straight line to the Triangulation Sta-
tion Wap. on the northern point of Pawpaw Cove which area
shall be reserved for the taking and catching of oysters with
tongs; all that area lying within one-fourth mile of the
western shore of Poplar Island; all that area within one-half
mile of Plum Point; all that area within one and one-half
miles of Sandy Point, Hackett Point, Tolly Point, and
Thomas Point; all in Anne Arundel County; and the follow-
ing oyster bars: Holland Point, Three Sisters, Parkers Rock
(Bay Shore and Long), Flagpond. Swan Point, Hickory
Thickett, Entrance Lump, Whitemarsh, Gum Spring, Hunt-
ingfield, Windmill Flats, Muddy Drain and Lighthouse
Lump; all defined by the charts of the Oyster Survey of 1906
to 1912 on record in the office of the Department of Tide-
water Fisheries.
7. (i) County Waters Open to Dredging. Any boat licensed
to take or catch oysters by dredge in the waters of Dorchester,
Talbot, or Somerset Counties, shall take oysters only in the
waters herein assigned to the county wherein such license shall
have been granted.
1. Dorchester and Talbot Counties—All that portion of the
Choptank River within an area bounded as follows: beginning
at Upper Bar Neck Triangulation Station on Tilghman Island;
thence proceeding in a straight line easterly to Benoni Light-
house ; thence in a straight line easterly to Chlora Point; thence
in along the shore easterly to Howell Point; thence south-
erly across the Choptank River to Horn Point; thence
westerly in a straight line to Castlehaven Point; thence
westerly in a straight line to Todd Point; thence westerly in
a straight line to Cook Point; thence along the shore to Hill's
Point; thence in a straight line to James' Point on James' Is-
land; thence in a straight line to Sharp's Island Lighthouse;
thence in a straight line to Blackwalnut Point; thence along
the shore to Upper Bar Neck Triangulation Station.
2. Dorchester County Only—All that area bounded as fol-
lows : beginning at Crab Point in Honga River, thence proceed-
ing in a straight line to the most easterly point on Lower
Hooper Island; thence clockwise along the shore of Lower
Hooper Island to the Dorchester County line; thence southerly