On motion by Mr. McLane,
Leave was granted to Messrs. McLane, Steiner and Gor-
man to introduce a bill to provide for councils of arbitration
between masters and workmen.
On motion by Mr. Steiner,
Leave was granted to the Committee on Corporations
(hereafter to be appointed) to introduce a bill, entitled an
Act to provide for the further extension of the Charter of the
Fredericktown Ravings' Institution, supplementary to an
Act, passed at January Session, 1858, chapter 162, entitled
"a further supplement to an Act, entitled an Act to incorpo-
rate the Fredericktown Savings' Institution, passed at De-
cember Session, 1826, March 9, 1827, chapter 189, " repeal-
ing the first section thereof, and re-enacting the same with
The Clerk of the House of Delegates appeared and deliv-
ered the following message:
January 3rd, 1878.
Gentlemen of the Senate:
We have received your message informing us of the organi-
zation of your Honorable Body.
The House of Delegates has organized by the election of
Hon. Fetter S. Hoblitzell as Speaker, and Milton Y. Kidd,
Esq., as Chief Clerk; we are now ready to proceed with the
business of the Session, and concur with your Honorable
Body in the appointment of a Joint Committee to wait upon
his Excellency, the Governor, and inform him that the
General Assembly is prepared to receive any communication
he may be pleased to make.
We have appointed on the part of the House, Messrs.
Brown, Tracy and Hinks.
By order,
Chief Clerk.
Which was read.
Messrs. Bannon, Humphreys and Stump, from the Joint
Committee to wait upon his Excellency, the Governor, and
inform him that the two Houses of the General Assembly
were organized and ready to receive any communication he
might be pleased to make, reported that the Committee had
performed that duty, and that they had been requested by his
Excellency to inform the Senate that he would communicate
a message to the two Houses in a few minutes.